Citable Documents Specification Feedback

This page is for providing feedback on the Citable Documents Specification.


Please group feedback by respective section in the specification, then use a simple list under that section. Please date-stamp and sign your feedback.



4.0 CitableDocumentLocator Syntax



<resolver-host>/<identifier> : for linking to the latest version of the document.

<resolver-host>/<identifier>#fragment : for linking to a specific section.

<resolver-host>/<identifier>?version=<versionid> : for linking to a specific version.



Where <resolver-host> is the service that's keeping track of the document versions.  It could even create the identifiers.


A great deal of work has been done on persistent identifiers that can help here.  Look at and their use of the Handle System (


Giving a document a permanent name and using that name whenever you want to cite it is very useful.  You don't need to remember what date a particular version was released in order to remember the URL.


Having the extra layer of indirection is also good because you can delegate the management of the URI space and resolution services (that's what the Handle System mentioned above does).




We also need to discuss additional formats:


CVS and Excel spreadsheets


RSS feed



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